Session Summary
The Harper Safehouse
- The paladin tells me that if I want to learn aught of a place to take these Sharran artifacts, I will need to speak to Silver Soul Yull in the med bay.
- I go right over to him, and he is understandably not interested in giving me any sort of trust. Times like these my Zhentarim connection really is more of a curse than a boon...
- He says that he'd only really help me out if I secure a means of bringing the injured to a house of healing. The closest one is in Hilp. I agree and take my leave to return to the safehouse's common area.
- Soon as I finish gathering myself, we hear a loud thump from the enclave. It seems that Kuon's got herself into a spot of trouble. We go to check on her, but as usual, she brushes me off.
- I take this opportunity to apologize to the paladin and ask her for her name. Veska. She seems wary of my connections with the Zhentarim, but she seems amenable enough.
- Veska, using her divine magic, fixes whatever was causing me to feel weak. While I didn't appreciate being called frail in the presence of certain company, I thanked her for her help.
- We learn that Veska plans to visit the Sanatorium to recover some items necessary for healing the injured. It seems that Virgilio is interested in joining her.
- Kuon asks us to join her in her conversation with Yull. He asks us what our plan is with Malkarion, and I bring up how I'd like to.. dispose of him. Virgilio still wants to interrogate him, but I tell him that the zone of truth hasn't worked this entire time. Thanks to the dead magic zone.
- Yull insists on trying to reform Malkarion. I tell him that it's a useless endeavor, and he insults me. He tells us to return in an hour. I leave the room, I see that talking to him right now is useless.
- Veska stops me from marching back outside. Says that I should bring a moonlantern with me.
- Kuon confronts me, and I bite back. How on earth was I supposed to trust a girl who has asked me for payment for her assistance? Veska looks at me like I'm the unreasonable one here.
- Virgilio decides to join Veska in visiting the Sanatorium, and before they leave Veska warns me that if I want to garner any trust from her and Yull, that it would be smart to try and take on Kuon's offer. I concede. I mention that Kuon can join me to exchange some information, if she wishes. She decides to join me.
The Streets
- Kuon and I walk out of the safehouse with our moonlanterns, and I catch a glimpse of what I can only assume is a Zhent on one of the roofs in the perimeter. I keep note of this, but choose not to act on it for now.
- We wander the streets in search of a Zhentarim hideout-- the Laughing Dog, if I recall correctly. It's a rickety shithole, but we should be fine so long as I show that I have the coin to spend.
- A hand suddenly grasps my arm in the darkness, warning me that I shouldn't walk any further in the direction we were headed. It's the Zhent from earlier, and he tells us to follow him to the tavern.
The Laughing Dog
- This shitty tavern's bursting at the seams with Zhents. It doesn't look like this place can be reached by the Shadowcurse.
- We're lead upstairs through a silken curtain that's been hiding an illegal brothel. Eventually we're led to a specific room where a bunch of stewards of the night come running forth. This can only be one guy... Visric.
- Visric asks his boytoy to make things private, and Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum is cast on the room. This is a bit troubling...
- I ask Visric about what happened in Wheloon, but he says that he doesn't really quite remember. He's just out to try and get whoever did this to him.
- New travels fast. Seems he's already heard about the troubles I've had to deal with. I try not to say more, but he seems to take this in bad faith. He makes a show of his firearm to show me that he's serious... I keep trying to make conversation.
- It seems that Visric wants to work with me to try and do something about this mess we've found ourselves in. He offers to give me assistance as long as I keep in touch. A deal that's a little too good to be true; but one I should probably take for the time being. Because he can secure me passage to Hilp and Gladehap through portals. Can guarantee me a good weapon as well, if I find this smithy in question at Hilp.
- We talk about the wedding at Kuon's mention of it. Seems that Visric wasn't invited, so he asks his lackey to try and "get himself an invitation".
- Visric orders for "Danny boy" to be brought in. I realize that this is maybe the "cousin Danny" Liele has mentioned in her report...
Character Impressions
- Kuon - Still as irritating as ever, but I'm trying to work with her for now at Veska's behest.
- Virgilio - Fuck if I know what's going on with this guy. He at least seems to be making himself useful.
- Veska - She's weary of me.
- Yull - He's too quick to trust that he can do something about the Sharrans and their connection to their god.
- Visric - We've made a deal. I'll have to stay cautious, but what he's offered me is a little too good to pass up right now.
Unfinished Business
- I need to figure out a way to bring the injured to Hilp without alerting the Zhentarim.
- Visric's lackey saw me leave a Harper safehouse... I wonder if he's made mention of this to him at all. I'll try to see if I can talk to him.
- I need to get a weapon at Hilp from Visric's recommended smithy.
- We need to get to Immersea.
OOC Notes
Kuon and the Harper Archives
- Kuon checks the archives for a map of affected areas and attempts to sus out a connection between these cities. She figures out that it's possible that the Blackwyverns are in charge of the smugglings connected to the Sharran network.
- She reads something on the "Academy". She doesn't really know much about it other than how it's typically attended by wizards and bards.
- Kuon slowly realizes that something doesn't add up. Keeping records is antithetical to Sharran doctrine, and that if anything were written down it had to be of Shar's will. As she makes this connection, she reads that 1385DR is the year of revelation and passes out.
- Kuon can tell that Malkarion is a Shadowlich, but something's strange about him. He doesn't look like a lich, most especially not one from the times of Netheril.